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"The Evangelist of Election Refusal" (Lawfare Blog)

"Former law professor David Clements urges local election officials to refuse to certify elections—and trains citizens to pressure them to do so."

"Clements ... presents himself in the film as a peaceful, God-fearing Christian, but he doesn’t mention that he has argued that Dominion Voting Systems executives should be tried for treason and executed by firing squad or hangings

Asked about these comments during his Lawfare interview, Clements insisted that he has not called for their killing, merely “pointed out the penalty” for the crime of treason. He said he does not believe that all “garden variety election workers” have engaged in treasonous conduct warranting execution. But he maintained that some voting system executives, such as Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos, should be put to death after being afforded due process and following the return of a guilty verdict for treason. “In my legal opinion, if I were to bring this before a military tribunal or otherwise, I would make a closing argument that this person is deserving of whatever penalty is attendant to treason,” he said. “And I make no apologies for that.”"

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